759-24-0 (Diethyl tert-butylmalonate)

Diethyl tert-butylmalonate

CAS No: 759-24-0

Description:  Diethyl tert-butylmalonate and CAS NO: 759-24-0 is a chemical compound characterized by its molecular structure, which consists of a tert-butylmalonate ester.  This means it has a tert-butyl group attached to one of the carbon atoms of the malonate ester, with two ethyl groups as substituents. Diethyl tert-butylmalonate with CAS NO: 759-24-0 is valued for its versatile applications in organic synthesis.  It serves as a crucial building block for the development of compounds with potential pharmaceutical and chemical properties. Industries such as pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals utilize this compound to create products with unique molecular structures and functions. For sourcing Diethyl tert-butylmalonate in Hyderabad, connect with reputable chemical suppliers and distributors in the region. Utilize keywords like “Diethyl tert-butylmalonate supplier in Hyderabad,” “CAS 759-24-0 supplier Hyderabad,” and similar variations when searching online or in local directories. Verify their credibility, check customer reviews, and confirm compliance with safety and quality standards.

contact srinichem for 759-24-0 (Diethyl tert-butylmalonate) with +91 91 9989450603